Monday, January 27, 2014

To The Man Who Sees To The Fukushima News

To The Man Who Sees To The Fukushima News
or, to all who wrest truth from the teeth of convention

Because you are and have been, because --  you, now, & real
because true power stands, seen (& sees who'll cower & heel)
because over because through because up because to 
because with because for because from because you

What had you in common with the others who knew
What answers, what questions; what sources, and who
What to sift through, to skim, summarize as you do
What hangs in the balance gives you vigour anew

Who that can must be doing despite what others can do 
Who that does if he does finds he may in turn be done to
Who that has, and has had, finds up coming his due
Who that sees what is done finds in others his cue

Wherefore you have out of all of us, if fit, still too few
Wherefore all the more needed against panic anew  
Wherefore Truth, patient Truth, if untold, is still true
 Wherefore you, but one man, are -- as fearless as two

by a female faust