Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Initiation, Or The Mystery Of The House Of God


a poem by a Faust: 


or, the Mystery of the House of God 

& when at last i hold the key 

after searching, & searching, & feeling lost 

i wonder was it wrong of me 

to value thresholds never crossed 

& when at last i try the lock 

without once stopping thinking twice 

i find i barely had to knock 

in fact a whisper would suffice 

& when — at last — an opened door — 

no more of would or could or might 

i wonder what i waited for 

Time is & always has been right 

& when, at last, my steps are through 

no failing -- no trying -- 

no fear 

no fear 

i find i only needed to 

to see a thing familiar here. 

written over the course of more than a decade, 

beginning circa 1991