Wednesday, September 2, 2020





We Interrupt This Moment 


A Most Important Message 



Know thereof, converse therewith, & be thou Guarded thereby & by. 

(N.B: We ask that the Atheist, the Agnostic, the Deist,  the Transhumanist, &c., 

please treat the following as a highly technologically advanced, augmented-reality thought experiment, 

or perhaps, a most vivid dream. 

The Satanist, political  Satanist, Empiricist, Post-Modernist, Ceremonial Ritualist, &c., 

is encouraged herewith & politely invited as well.)

this poem by @femalefaust is in direct response to the following verse by @thought_attic:

I go to talk, but I’m hushed by the voices.

The devil on my shoulder that battles my choices.

“You‘re not worth the effort, so why try to speak” 

So my lips gently close and I walk away weak.

This omen: hopeless, hopeless, foreboding cold & desolate

Your most wretched forcéd Silence — not decreed by any Fate.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Surely you’ve an other shoulder, somewhere to your right

Invite thereto that Other æthyr-born, but made of light

Unnatural to the human mind, Eternal realms of Watry Form & Fiery Ideal

Our Parents, cannot make us owe ourselves — we choose, we die, we feel

But from on High comes a reminder — that is almost a command

to remember we Humans are of the Air, & by our own choices do we fall — or stand.

*Original title suffix: (with harp)(just kidding no harp)

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