Saturday, December 25, 2021

Till Human Choices Wake It And It Drowns
(Or, A Lament For The Once Removable Battery)


Till Human Choices Wake It And It Drowns

(Or, A Lament For The Once Removable Battery)

by johanna faust

the rain can fall upon you

can drench you to the bone

of everything could rob you 

you could die alone

i know that, now.  

i felt myself falling

with the rain somehow

i failed myself, flailing,

the rain falling hard

pouring out of buckets

laughing untoward

at all umbrellas and jackets


fantasy waterproof

in the end water will win

a leak will find every roof

water will find a way in

intricate machine 

back found it dreaming

complicate subroutine

for grounded learning

danger the fluid mean

now no longer playing

all around where it has been

the field now quite level taking

technology trust assumes

by our own names asking we call it 

its feckless slumber resumes 

no turning off can befall it

not off completely ever

indifferently keeping secrets

more from you than better

open it to wake regrets

water will wake it up

doesn’t care about why

dissolve it break it up

wake up time to die

into your backpack sealed

into your technology sleeping

level the playing field

ports and vents penetrating

all your data holding

your life your finished work 

into stony lifeless rendering

replaceable and dark

like anyone

like everyone

like no one

like someone who might have once

not screwed myself over all on my own

like just another analogy

like just another life

quotidian self made tragedy

first world seeming strife

i don’t have to watch something glowing.

i can pretend this phone is my laptop.

i can act like its really nothing

like someone who always backs up.

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