Friday, August 26, 2022

Excuse Me? Are you talking to me?

Excuse me?

Or, Are you talking to me?

sidewalk crouches at my feet

like a dog that’s watched too much TV

he knows the secret of what’s best to eat

he’s begging me for something sweet

is there anything that i can do

to help him understand the truth

would he want to know it f he knew

or is mine just another ruse

another form the same demand

me feckless just because i can

just using what there is to hand

same product, just a different brand

nothing equal or the same unless it to itself compared

if there’s a winner in this game i’ll bet it’s not someone who’s scared


  1. Scared - a familiar feeling but something he can overcome. Scared what invades at the thought of harming another - no matter how frivolous - no matter that the harm is done by neglect of truth instead. She will be told - a deadline call it 9-10 a day with meaning internal. Formulation ensues

  2. nothing left to be scared of


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