That My Other Work M ay Be
By My Belovéd
a sonnet
by a female Faust
Aß difficult to be who I would be,
Belovéd, iß like unto compoßing ßonnet fit
in meta – from, aß well aß – for: for thee;
( though, an thou ßeest, thiß be writ).
For when reigning in the myriadß reßplendent
Ideaß begotten by thy wit upon my thought
I find them all collapßéd, lame, dependent
And quite unqualified to function aß they ought.
Myßelf I do conßider thiß brave compliment
though eaßily it ßeemeth the reverße
for though thiß sure redoundeth to my detriment
I alßo know that no attempt at all iß worße
...So... have I therefore worked about aß hard upon it,
aß have I yet on any -- finißhed -- ßonnet