Wednesday, February 9, 2022

To The Young Lady In Black Vinyl Pants, Or, Hopefully A Prelude


To The Young Lady In Black Vinyl Pants

Or, Hopefully A Prelude

by a female Faust

Like the hottest chick in vinyl I have seen in quite some time,

For no one asset, one thinks in afterthough, as wit:

Such as would eagerly engage chance introductory line

to the effect that her ass so clad in blackest vinyl cried out — indeed — for — it.

Such wit quite often is its own indeed rward

Or so most every chick has had the luxury to think

What comes to mind at once is best— plan ahead & they’ll be bored

The future best works out its self, we say, & blink.

But lo, her slim envinyled bottom soon was unherneath my hand

Southern accent straight entreating — near commanding me to strike

Were I ship, before distracted, I had now lost all sight of land

Concerned instead with what this very pressing circumstance’s seeming like.

Such is the moment made immortal as much as have I skill

Every other likewise portal, should the two of us but will.