Thursday, October 21, 2021

Call It What You Like, Or, A Grinning Cat Can Look At Any Thing


Call It What You Like

Or, A Grinning Cat Can Look At Any Thing

by a female Faust

“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.

“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.”

Sweet yes, but not  — too —

the near unspeakable motley

that Strange Muse of thine infused

in thy metaphor’s variety

(If some creature out of whirling Air

or rushing Fire conjuréd

surely then she’d not to earth

be down, upon, or under it)

yet the extant fact this verse reply

itself shows well, nay off, your skill, 

if not the who, the how, &why;

thorough choice the sweetest stories tell

An it be not the tanned & tooled, still, fashion’s merely token

it may suit, the way my hide me suits; rules are nary found unbroken.

I dont want a damn thing from the sea, its all slippin

I need a bird from the sky cause shes free

Someone down to earth or pure fire like a Jinn.

Little bit of Angel, with the power of a litch, a little bit of demon with a bit of dragon skin..

I want em dressed in leather, like Max but better, cause I need em ready for 

a fight like crazy, and I need em Mad as all hell, like me..

— Lucifer @0Lightbringer0