Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Propaganda Propagator,
Or, The Uninvited Guest
— a poem by a Faust


propaganda propagator

Crocodile Corporate, the proper Candor Gator, 

Thumb on the Ring, leans in; a Land Shark mumbling 'candy gram'

Researching market penetration.  The stuff of dreams before,

Is now not an if but a when, both planned & unplanned stratagem.

If only there were policies in place to recommend his candy be selected 

If only there were some disease for which his candy was the cure

Wherever patterns in raw data correlate there new patterns are detected

There ever after all the less to please more to invent Demand secure

He will for reliable real time data lay in wait to find entrap or steal 

The more the algorithm is rewritten the more the sale becomes preorder 

Historical actionable -- third party saleable -- an attractive bundled deal

as more data becomes more data, data becomes more data all the more

A minimal understanding of the internet few -- save Mcluhan -- could've bettered before

A visible underhand of the market but ruse to get a foot scale or fin in the door