Monday, December 21, 2020

Holy Guardian, Or, Wherefore Inform & Believe (a poem by a Faust)

Holy Guardian

or, Wherefore Inform & Believe

Who lives but to guide you, nourish, remind you — of

What you know once (& should still): the Love that founded you finds you

When sighing from sorrows, you toy with regret, from some

Where just ahead you hear laughter & 'Don’t give it up yet!'

(The extent of thinking to question)

Why — 

(of this dreaming, like wise)

(is not thinking to answer)

(because — still — only — & sleeping — )



this Beauty

these Joys

& this Now

give your Angel a Moment to find you —

— How

dedicated to you

by a female Faust

this revision may be final

Winter Solstice

Plague Year (2020)