Friday, October 6, 2017

Every Step You Take, Every Call You Make
A Poetic Entreaty, A Most Awesome ISP

(Or, An Hopeful Cautionary Tale Is Presented That It May Serve To Illustrate By Analogy This Most Sincere Yet Humble Entreat)

No ride; you have to walk. The bars are closed, your footsteps, loud.
Risk glances at all the disrepair out of the corners of your eyes:
As you walk purposeful on purpose, as you make yourself slow down,
As you choose to disabuse of fear you doubt the usefulness of lies.

Who's there? a noise from just ahead – to dark to make it out
You hear it hear you hear it, hear it get – too close – too fast
The unlikely someone who would get involved would never hear you shout
You'd easy end up robbed, or worse; this night could be your last.

Just then a sudden blinding everywhere of headlights strong and bright
A honk or two, & calling you by name, a friend, a ride –
An opened door – you're in – it's locked – a miracle of flight –
Safe and sound and homeward bound, protected and inside.

O Sonic! Champion of the Good, Who Dost Make Defense Of Privacy Your Purpose!
Forgive my heavy-handedness, &, please offer cell phone service!

sincerely submitted to Dane Jasper of by a female faust