Sunday, February 28, 2021

DIY Heart Repair (Or, Even Now Someone Is Somewhere Daydreaming — About You): an instructable in verse

...wondering if I could explain how I did it, hoping to be understood

DIY Heart Repair

or, Even Now Someone Is Somewhere Daydreaming — About You

an instructable in verse

O being human hurt  O bitter fool in pain 

You who saw too much to want to ever see again

Perhaps a harmless riddle can distract you from your fear:

The heart was once named courage. Suppose yours wasn’t broken bad —

As an experiment. What if things — weren’t — quite as sad 

— they might not be as sad as they could be — dear —

Sincere, perhaps unsure, this sometimes cure, if practicéd as Art

can make the ugly weight of loneliness stop fucking with your heart

trade any sweeping gesture for a kinder patient touch

As choices become habit, so is Fate reborn today

lo — que será, será — no es siempre porque

— because — what will be will be— not so much

Your fantasies, your thoughts,  let them loyal serve your Will

This world is vaster & more intricate than it ever has been full

& —What will be, might just — be what — could

y— que será, será — lo que — se podría

a veces el milagro que suceda debería

Let Love’s sometimes miracle happen as it should

But beware! You’ll find this skill’s best reach effective shown & actual,

Be sure in mind to well test each selected counterfactual

If your virtue & your patience be but unafraid — & true —

You’ll find the holy secret is in how to learning tell

seem from seeing — be from being —  knowing well

the only one who you can trust to be that brave is you