Sunday, October 8, 2017


Soon agriculture, transportation, medicine, chemistry, architecture, mining, husbandry, journalism, security, journalism, surveillance, library science,law, food service, customer service, therapy, education, and almost all levels of almost all industries, including information technology and of course, robotics, will be overhauled, streamlined, optimized – downsized – by means of the nearly-indistinguishable-from-magical advances, discoveries, and inventions that will have been made, overwhelmingly quickly, in the fields of technology, robotics, miniaturization, and artificial intelligence.

And that is only as comprehensive a list as I could make with little effort.  I have no doubt there are a host of articles, presentations, books, videos.  But what I want to know is (and please correct me, Gentle Reader, if my hypothesis is, to your mind, anywhere unsound):

It appears a given that most humans will be out of a job, and ill qualified for any of the few jobs that remain. I think it is high time we started to consider the implications. While we can still do something about it. While we still know how to do something.


Be seeing you.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Every Step You Take, Every Call You Make
A Poetic Entreaty, A Most Awesome ISP

(Or, An Hopeful Cautionary Tale Is Presented That It May Serve To Illustrate By Analogy This Most Sincere Yet Humble Entreat)

No ride; you have to walk. The bars are closed, your footsteps, loud.
Risk glances at all the disrepair out of the corners of your eyes:
As you walk purposeful on purpose, as you make yourself slow down,
As you choose to disabuse of fear you doubt the usefulness of lies.

Who's there? a noise from just ahead – to dark to make it out
You hear it hear you hear it, hear it get – too close – too fast
The unlikely someone who would get involved would never hear you shout
You'd easy end up robbed, or worse; this night could be your last.

Just then a sudden blinding everywhere of headlights strong and bright
A honk or two, & calling you by name, a friend, a ride –
An opened door – you're in – it's locked – a miracle of flight –
Safe and sound and homeward bound, protected and inside.

O Sonic! Champion of the Good, Who Dost Make Defense Of Privacy Your Purpose!
Forgive my heavy-handedness, &, please offer cell phone service!

sincerely submitted to Dane Jasper of by a female faust