Saturday, May 19, 2018

Composed in the Waiting Room


A bit of verse composed in the waiting room
Calle Cuarta 7796 (between Mutualismo & Miguel F. Martinez) C.P. 22000 Zona Centro, Tijuana, B.C.

"Dentist most excellent."  You doubt me, or you quip "At what cost?"
Rare as it is unlikely, should some wager be made,
In the virtue of dentists, for those who doubt to have lost:
Given just firsthand stories, likely as not they've been played --
Not with this one, however, with this one we win. Respectful, and kind
Attentive and fluent, he'll explain it, he'll do it
Chances are good he conspires not his but – your pockets to line.
If you've despaired of finding one not done in by his greed
Or his laziness --  or not too young to know what you need --
Despair not, amigo, be unafraid to be drilled,
Enjoy feeling alive again. Know we are blessed,
Lucky.  For in finding a dentist who is as honest and skilled
(And whose prices do render, it must needs be confessed,
Very easy decisions, when compared to what they demand,
Expect, and presume, north of la linea & not south.
Give yourself a few days in this happy, colorful land,
And trust De La Vega to give you a perfect new mouth.

by a happy patient, Saturday, May 19, 2018.

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